Dirt, Stone or Gravel Delivery
Make light work of your trucking and hauling needs by calling Fiore Property Services of Killington. Our fleet of vehicles is available for hire for light hauling, dirt, stone or gravel pick-up and delivery, or any residential or commercial needs requiring trucks for hauling.
We often get requests from Killington, Mendon and Rutland area residents for trucking and light hauling needs covering a wide range of purposes. We’re happy to discuss your needs, including scheduling for pick-ups and provide you with a quote to get the job done.

Got Junk?
Spring cleaning often creates a need to haul away all those things you’ve finally decided you no longer need to store in the basement or attic. This newly labeled ‘junk’, needs to be hauled away to the transfer station so you can get back to your organizing. Call us to pick up and remove those items. For rates, call us at 802.342.0712. We’ll be happy to provide a quote for our services.
Call TODAY! 802-342-0712